Nuance Over Nonsense

Grades or Outcomes? What’s your preference?

Grades or Outcomes? What’s your preference?

Are you a grades educator or an outcomes educator? I discovered that I had changed from a grades educator to an outcome educator over time. While cleaning out several old work boxes, I found some files from twenty years ago. I came across a folder that I labeled...

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Molly’s New Metacognitive Learning Metrics

Molly’s New Metacognitive Learning Metrics

Have you ever set students up for failure? Well, if you’ve ever advised students to study X number of hours for every hour of class time, then you have set them up for failure. No worries. You didn’t intend to harm them. But by encouraging students to use time to...

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Introducing The Learner’s Formula

Introducing The Learner’s Formula

Professionals in all fields rely upon processes to do consistently high-quality work. We need processes most when our jobs require us to handle high volumes of work or when the work is complex. Take painters for example. Professional painters use the "W Method" to...

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2021 LSAC National Conference

2021 LSAC National Conference

On May 19, 2021, I was honored to provide two workshops for the Learning Specialists Association of Canada's annual national conference. Having been the conference Keynote speaker in 2015, it was great connecting with many of my colleagues from the north and beyond!...

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Instruction Amplified

Instruction Amplified

Teaching shouldn't be so hard! On a basic level, the teaching and learning enterprise is built upon two conditional assurances. Teachers want to know that if they teach students, then students will work to learn the material. Students want to know that if they do the...

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Why Bad Thinking Happens

Why Bad Thinking Happens

There are two types of academic challenges students face in college: Type I and Type II. Type I problems are challenges of effort. In these situations, students aren't very studious. They don’t show up for class. They don’t study. And they don't read. In most cases,...

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