High Performance in the Humanities

Consultancy Period: 2021-2023

Consultancy Outcome
Launched during the Covid-19 pandemic, this project helped four HBCUs achieve noted improvement in complex cognitive work and student engagement, which were critical post-pandemic goals.

Together, we crafted a highly-effective approach that transformed classrooms into vibrant hubs of inquiry and creativity. Faculty soon reported ‘remarkable’ improvements in students’ abilities to tackle complex cognitive tasks, and performance soared. Students found new ownership in their learning, transforming their academic work into a more rewarding and meaningful experience.

What I loved about this project.

This collaboration involved four different historically black colleges and universities spanning three states and was done completely virtually. I was inspired by the dedication, professionalism and intellect of the faculty partners. Together, we transformed a stagnant educational experience into a thriving intellectual community where excellence became an everyday reality. Don’t take my word alone; check out the video receipts below.


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