Okay. I’m a bit excited about this post because this makes the fifth time in about four years that I have been able to be part of the excitement of institutional transformation. This image below is part of a letter I sent on Wednesday, October 20, 2021. I...
Okay. I’m excited about this post because this makes the fifth time in about four years that I have been a part of the excitement of an institution’s academic transformation. It affirms what I deeply believe: academic apathy is a sign of inability, not...
As the college semester or term winds down, students will scour their notes to prepare for their exams. But do they have an effective note-taking method? Their system may be useful for capturing information but not good enough to prepare them for tests. Since much of...
Studying is a feeling process. When grappling with academic material, students feel their way through the information. They’re not sure if insights that stand out to them will be equally valued by their teacher. As students try to process high volumes of content,...
Great teaching should be rewarding for students and energizing for educators. This refreshing post shares one experience that produced both of these outcomes. Teaching is a continual process of problem solving. – Leonard Geddes, Founder of The LearnWell Projects...