Nuance Over Nonsense



FREE LIVE WEBINAR SERIES: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, FROM 1:00 P.M. ~ 2:00 P.M. (EASTERN) Are you perplexed by the disparity between students' high school achievements and their college performance? This puzzle has left educators, parents, policymakers and students...

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Former STEM Stars Flames Rekindled!

Former STEM Stars Flames Rekindled!

Okay. I'm excited about this post because this makes the fifth time in about four years that I have been a part of the excitement of an institution's academic transformation. It affirms what I deeply believe: academic apathy is a sign of inability, not disinterest....

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Note-Taking Cheat Codes

Note-Taking Cheat Codes

As the college semester or term winds down, students will scour their notes to prepare for their exams. But do they have an effective note-taking method? Their system may be useful for capturing information but not good enough to prepare them for tests. Since much of...

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Molly’s New Metacognitive Learning Metrics

Molly’s New Metacognitive Learning Metrics

Have you ever set students up for failure? Well, if you’ve ever advised students to study X number of hours for every hour of class time, then you have set them up for failure. No worries. You didn’t intend to harm them. But by encouraging students to use time to...

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