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We can solve this problem for students once and for all by training them in the Go for Green constructive learning method. This learning approach shows students how to learn the right material in the right ways.
Here’s how it works: Students must make green by blending yellow and blue. The course content and topics are represented in blue. The students’ thinking skills are represented in yellow. And the course’s learning outcomes are the resulting green. So yellow and blue make green.

In color theory, green is a secondary color that can only be created by blending yellow with blue. In academics, students must combine the course content with the correct thinking skills to produce the more consequential learning outcomes their teachers are looking for. So by combining their yellow thinking skills with the blue content that professors provide, students can create the green learning outcomes that professors are looking for.
Look for parts 2 and 3 of this Go for Green article series for more details on this method. Let’s recap before we move ahead:
- Students are frustrated because their study efforts are not producing the results they want.
- Students must mix the yellow (thinking skills) and blue (course content) to make the green (learning outcomes) that will be assessed.
Between the information students are given and the thinking skills they likely possess, constructing their knowledge is easier than they think.